Monday, September 28, 2009


is this getting old for anyone else? Delays, delays and more delays. We are somewhere between the UDSA being out of appropriations, hating the mortgage broker and an FHA loan. Here are the basics:
Apparently the USDA approprioations for mortages are out of money but they get their money for the next fiscal year Oct 1. The USDA loan does not require a down payment and is something like 102% financing.
I have hated the broker since he "forgot" we needed the lead test, had the lead test been done at the appropriot time maybe the USDA wouldn't have been out of money by the time we got to them!!!!!!
The FHA loan requires a down payment (which we can still do) and I have been told we definetly will not be able to afford a dog with this option. BUMMER!

Bottom line: My thesis proposal is due in less than 4 weeks. I need a desk/command center/office place I can set up my keyboard, mouse computer, etc. sit down and "bang it out" because the current life set up is anti-thesis progress.

Monday, September 21, 2009


So right now we are waiting to hear back from the bank regaurding comps in the area. Here's what happened:
The house was appraised in June at that time there weren't any other houses in the tiny town of Northford that had recently sold, so the appraiser used comps from surrounding towns.
The bank didn't like that. (or the chipping paint, so the house was painted)
A few houses in town sold during August, so there are better comps.
Now we are waiting for the bank to except them and give us a closing date.
The End.
i'm antsy

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

clean water

I guess that says it all. We finally after almost 2 weeks of stressing we got a clean lead water test result. This should be the last hurdle.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

more set backs

so we had to have another water test done, it didn't pass.
whatever can go wrong will go wrong, I'm so over it and we just really want this house.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Beginning of Day 3

Ok so Bruce spent much of Saturday working on the red truck, as its pretty necessary to move things like . . . beds, tables, couches etc. We headed up to the house late afternoon, I cleaned the master bedroom and the bathroom. The former owners were smokers, I can't wait to take down the wallpaper and atleast get the bedroom painted. Everthing reaks. The storm windows are already on so opening the windows for fresh air is out of the question. Bruce tried to get the lawn mower to work, and after more work yesterday it is semi functional although it seems to me that it flattens more than it mows.
Sunday Bruce picked up a pretty decent weed whaker off craigs list and did as much of the yard as possible until he ran out of spool. Eventually you will be able to see the two stone walls and maybe we'll be able to revive the landscaping that was there. He worked on sorting out the garage for the rest of the day just to make some room and to figure out what's there. We're going to need a dumpster.

I attempted to get the stains off the walls in the master bedroom, no dice, so I washed the walls then gave up on washing walls, that is what stain hiding primer is for. I cleaned out the other bedroom. Then spent most of the rest of the day on my hands and knees cleaning the floors. Is it possible to get poisoning from Murphy's Soap Oil? 8 dirty buckets (I think)
The house had wall to wall carpeting over these beautiful floors with a small trim piece over the carpet. I'll cut to the chase 40 years of dirt. Enough said. Floors are now beautiful.
The Cote's came down at dusk with some furniture, the blue couches, the kitchen table, the TV stand and Bruce's tools, they might be back today with the rest of the furniture that's in Granby.

I hope that this will be my longest post and I'm going to try to take lots of pictures.